Thursday, October 31, 2013

Healthcare in Texas

            In 2012, it was difficult for many Texans to gain health care insurance. That is why Texas was and still is ranked the worst state for uninsured citizens compared with other states. With the Affordable Care Act already taking action in every state, I assume Texans are going to have an "walk in the park" opportunity to gain the health care coverage that many desperately require. However, Governor Rick Perry and Senator Ted Cruz seem to oppose the act in taking action. Furthermore, healthcare is one of the biggest issues that the Texas government fails to succeed in taking care of Texans.

            For those that don't know the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), it is a law passed by President Barack Obama, and is a response to the national shortfall of health insurance to expand the risk pool. According to the Census Bureau's 2012 American Community Survey, it reviewed Texas had the highest rate of uninsured people in 2012, but also the highest portion of uninsured children, elderly, and unemployed people. Yet, Governor Rick Perry and Senator Ted Cruz fail to realize how important this act is for many Texans; both, want to advocate in going against the Affordable Care Act.

            I believe both have an hatred towards President Obama and his healthcare act, that both find barriers for the act to take action. For example, Governor Perry proposed extended regulations toward the "navigators" (hired to help people access the Marketplace and enroll for coverage), even though the same counselors have assisted Medicare enrollees for years. He demanded the navigators to have fingerprints and extended background checks, and forced extended training that isn't required under federal law.

             Finally, Senator Cruz demanded that Obamacare be defunded and threatened filibuster, selective repeal, a government shutdown, even defaulting on federal debts. To add to Governor Perry's selfishness and self pity, he rejected an generous offer from the federal government . What was this offer? Well President Obama offered to give an approximate of 100 billion dollars to the state of Texas for an Medicaid expansion. The 100 billion dollars would have been spent buying health care in Texas, and help about six million Texans that desperately need health care coverage.

            Governor Perry responded, "Texas will not be held hostage by the Obama administration's attempt to force us into this fool's errand of adding more than a million Texans to a broken system." Are you crazy Rick Perry? Texas' share of the cost would have been just 7 percent of the total; but, according to Governor Perry and the Republican Legislature, "One dollar is too much".

            I wish the whole Texas Republican party realized how important it is to make sure every Texan including the unwealthy and young children obtain health care insurance. But at least the Obamacare is going to take into effect in the future even if it will take a while. After all, "it’s better late than never."




Sunday, October 20, 2013

Big JollyPolitics Critique

            In an article from Big Jolly Politics by David Jennings, it's about the Texas DREAM act and the importance of the act for those that struggle to gain legal status. Also, the article is about the authors feelings of Greg Abbotts position and where he stands in relations with the act.

            In summary, many republican candidates that are running for Lt. Governor in Texas have gone against the DREAM act(which originally was introduced twelve years ago by Dick Durbin and Orrin Hatch). The Texas DREAM act is a conservative policy signed by Rick Perry, it requires children whose parents brought them to the U.S. without going through the proper procedure for legal status. With the candidates for Lt. Governor already going against the act, it's  harder to not go against the policy for Greg Abbott. Many people including the author believe Greg Abbott should take responsibility and be a leader in the Texas GOP. Furthermore, he needs to help the base understand that the conservative policy would be helpful for the Republican party.

            The authors intended audience in the article could be a focus toward many republicans in office or those running for office. However, the author mentions Greg Abbott multiple times. The author sends a direct message to the soon to be governor stating that he needs to make his own decisions on behalf of the policy that could impact the future for immigration. Also the author states, that Greg Abbott needs to make an effort to not be influenced by the candidates(Lt. Governor) opinions because they could alter his view. In the entire article, it seems the author did not make use of any evidentiary support with his statements.

            The authors argument works for those that believe every person deserves a chance to gain legal status, especially the children that had no choice but to come here illegally. However, this argument wouldn’t work for those that believe "illegal's" shouldn't have an opportunity to gain legal status including the children. And for those that believe every person from a different country should go through the legalizing process in order to be in the U.S. Why? Because the authors argument is a support for the children that were brought to the U.S. illegally. For example, the author states, "It makes no sense to educate these children and then deny those that are capable of furthering their education the opportunity to do so."

            In agreement with the authors argument, I believe there needs to be a leader to rise from either party: Republican or Democrat. In the author's view, the leader has to be Greg Abbot, and believes Greg Abbott has to be a person who will stick to his gut and not be influenced by other candidates thoughts on the Texas Dream act. Because it is the right thing to do for these children and it is in the best long-term interest of the State of Texas.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Perry’s latest move against Obamacare

            In an editorial from Forth Worth Star Telegram, the article is about Governor Rick Perry's approaches to the Obama care that recently passed on October 1st. In summary, there is a growing rate of uninsured residents in the state of Texas.

            As a result, the Congress passed the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare); which, is to give all American citizens more rights and protections and expand access to affordable quality health care to everyone.

            However, Governor Perry doesn't approve the new act , and made decisions to make barriers that could interfere with enrolling eligible people in insurance plans under the act. For example, he instructed the Texas Department of Insurance to come up with new rules to regulate the navigators, including requiring them to take an additional 40 hours of training and rigorous testing beyond the federal training. Also, Governor Perry required the navigators to do background checks and take fingerprints, among other things. So, by the time the navigators have gone through the background check and the extensive amount of hours for training. The ACA navigators in Texas would have been at work for weeks helping people get the healthcare coverage they need.

            In this editorial, the authors main audience are for those that are in need to obtain an healthcare coverage, and perhaps for those that seek to get an occupation for helping the people that are in need for health coverage. The creditability he provides  brings the importance of the Obamacare, and shows Governor Perry's philosophy of the act is naïve and selfish. For example, the author states, "A better way to protect the people of Texas would be to make sure more of them are insured. The latest report from Center for Public Policy shows that almost one in four Texans, or 6.1 million people in the state, were uninsured in 2011. Of those, 1.2 million were children."

            In agreement with the author's argument, the only way to make sure that all citizens are completely protected with health care coverage is to act upon immediately, and not try to come up with restrictions upon the act.