Sunday, October 20, 2013

Big JollyPolitics Critique

            In an article from Big Jolly Politics by David Jennings, it's about the Texas DREAM act and the importance of the act for those that struggle to gain legal status. Also, the article is about the authors feelings of Greg Abbotts position and where he stands in relations with the act.

            In summary, many republican candidates that are running for Lt. Governor in Texas have gone against the DREAM act(which originally was introduced twelve years ago by Dick Durbin and Orrin Hatch). The Texas DREAM act is a conservative policy signed by Rick Perry, it requires children whose parents brought them to the U.S. without going through the proper procedure for legal status. With the candidates for Lt. Governor already going against the act, it's  harder to not go against the policy for Greg Abbott. Many people including the author believe Greg Abbott should take responsibility and be a leader in the Texas GOP. Furthermore, he needs to help the base understand that the conservative policy would be helpful for the Republican party.

            The authors intended audience in the article could be a focus toward many republicans in office or those running for office. However, the author mentions Greg Abbott multiple times. The author sends a direct message to the soon to be governor stating that he needs to make his own decisions on behalf of the policy that could impact the future for immigration. Also the author states, that Greg Abbott needs to make an effort to not be influenced by the candidates(Lt. Governor) opinions because they could alter his view. In the entire article, it seems the author did not make use of any evidentiary support with his statements.

            The authors argument works for those that believe every person deserves a chance to gain legal status, especially the children that had no choice but to come here illegally. However, this argument wouldn’t work for those that believe "illegal's" shouldn't have an opportunity to gain legal status including the children. And for those that believe every person from a different country should go through the legalizing process in order to be in the U.S. Why? Because the authors argument is a support for the children that were brought to the U.S. illegally. For example, the author states, "It makes no sense to educate these children and then deny those that are capable of furthering their education the opportunity to do so."

            In agreement with the authors argument, I believe there needs to be a leader to rise from either party: Republican or Democrat. In the author's view, the leader has to be Greg Abbot, and believes Greg Abbott has to be a person who will stick to his gut and not be influenced by other candidates thoughts on the Texas Dream act. Because it is the right thing to do for these children and it is in the best long-term interest of the State of Texas.

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