Thursday, October 31, 2013

Healthcare in Texas

            In 2012, it was difficult for many Texans to gain health care insurance. That is why Texas was and still is ranked the worst state for uninsured citizens compared with other states. With the Affordable Care Act already taking action in every state, I assume Texans are going to have an "walk in the park" opportunity to gain the health care coverage that many desperately require. However, Governor Rick Perry and Senator Ted Cruz seem to oppose the act in taking action. Furthermore, healthcare is one of the biggest issues that the Texas government fails to succeed in taking care of Texans.

            For those that don't know the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), it is a law passed by President Barack Obama, and is a response to the national shortfall of health insurance to expand the risk pool. According to the Census Bureau's 2012 American Community Survey, it reviewed Texas had the highest rate of uninsured people in 2012, but also the highest portion of uninsured children, elderly, and unemployed people. Yet, Governor Rick Perry and Senator Ted Cruz fail to realize how important this act is for many Texans; both, want to advocate in going against the Affordable Care Act.

            I believe both have an hatred towards President Obama and his healthcare act, that both find barriers for the act to take action. For example, Governor Perry proposed extended regulations toward the "navigators" (hired to help people access the Marketplace and enroll for coverage), even though the same counselors have assisted Medicare enrollees for years. He demanded the navigators to have fingerprints and extended background checks, and forced extended training that isn't required under federal law.

             Finally, Senator Cruz demanded that Obamacare be defunded and threatened filibuster, selective repeal, a government shutdown, even defaulting on federal debts. To add to Governor Perry's selfishness and self pity, he rejected an generous offer from the federal government . What was this offer? Well President Obama offered to give an approximate of 100 billion dollars to the state of Texas for an Medicaid expansion. The 100 billion dollars would have been spent buying health care in Texas, and help about six million Texans that desperately need health care coverage.

            Governor Perry responded, "Texas will not be held hostage by the Obama administration's attempt to force us into this fool's errand of adding more than a million Texans to a broken system." Are you crazy Rick Perry? Texas' share of the cost would have been just 7 percent of the total; but, according to Governor Perry and the Republican Legislature, "One dollar is too much".

            I wish the whole Texas Republican party realized how important it is to make sure every Texan including the unwealthy and young children obtain health care insurance. But at least the Obamacare is going to take into effect in the future even if it will take a while. After all, "it’s better late than never."





EpicRhinoLion said...

I agree that something should be done to resolve the issue of the Law which seems to mandate life insurance. It seems that almost all sensible methods by which an individual can obtain insurance have been removed, making the cost to acquire the necessary life insurance outrageously expensive. What's more is that the people we have elected to lead us have inadvertently cost us more than they are willing to pay back. I was previously unaware of the extended regulations proposed by Perry and the threats made by Senator Cruz intended to stop Obamacare from being passed. Moreover, they turned down an alleged 100 billion dollars offered to aid in helping people find insurance. It is easy to assume that they are intentionally digging graves for many texans who cannot afford the currently outrageous costs of life insurance. In fact, it seems almost foolish for them to put their feet down so firmly in the face of this new bill that they end up stepping all over their constituents.
However, there are always two sides of every debate. It would be interesting to see why exactly Perry and Cruz fought so hard against this legislation. Were there issues where the bill was carrying some sort of legislation which would have had a negative effect on Texas? Or perhaps they were simply looking out for their own interests. Whatever the case, the fact is we do not have all the facts. This is the thing that should bother us most, when people can no longer decide for themselves because they’ve been left in the dark about the true intentions which so often seems obscure in politics.

Mildred said...

In response to my classmate’s blog, “healthcare in Texas” I agree, that in 2012 it was hard to gain a health care insurance. Governor Rick Perry and Senator Ted Cruz they are always against something and it seems that they are not pleased in making a difference in Texas. On the other hand now that Obama passed the Affordable Care Act Texans are required to get their health care coverage or else they will get a fine. Now, Perry and Cruz won’t be opposed about it because it is law that every state required so now children and elderly will have a health care coverage. I also believe a fine should not be required because some people don’t have the money to be paying for healthcare coverage.

DariusLee said...

In the blog Healthcare in Texas written by Alexy Degterev, he talks about how Texas is the worst state for uninsured citizens. It is difficult for Texans to gain it. Now that we have the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) better days are looking bright for those who are in need for it. But with a policy so great and powerful, there are always individuals or a group or people opposing it. In Texas case that is Governor Rick Perry and Senator Ted Cruz.
The blog is well written. It gives a brief summary on Obamacare and why it is well needed for Texas. According to the Census Bureau's 2012 American Community Survey, the highest portion of uninsured children, elderly, and unemployed people are all in Texas. With these facts it gives the blog more creditability, and show the stupidity of both Perry and Cruz.
Obama offered the state of Texas 100 billion dollars for a Medicaid expansion, to help the six million Texans that need it. Degterev asked a question “Are you crazy Rick Perry?” which we will answer shortly. Believe it or not the offer was rejected by Rick Perry and his response was "Texas will not be held hostage by the Obama administration's attempt to force us into this fool's errand of adding more than a million Texans to a broken system." Its irony because Rick Perry is foolish for saying that and, trying to stop the Act that’s going to better the state he governs. So to answer the question above, yes. His partner in crime Senator Ted Cruz is not any better. He demanded several attempts to stop Obamacare as well, but all failed.
In this blog I do agree with Mr. Degterev completely. The Texas republican party may need a major epiphany to realize how important healthcare is in Texas.